Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Some poetry about... well you guess...

~ Oh, but I care about you a little more then the others, you're not the average ordinary.... You look good and have some personality. Oh the loss of you will be felt, as one without the other simply does not work. ~
(a lost black floral sock after the dryer ate it; and of always the thoughts of my connection with him, and potentially having to walk away) 

~ Every day I set out to maneuver around you, as your gaping holes of emptiness are an inconvenience to me. And so it goes, my expectations of you potentially ruining my day, if I should run across you. But today (at least there) you were fixed, and it made my day. And perhaps, tomorrow; there; you will be fixed. ~
(the plight of potholes; as well as reference to the many breakup's; and his learning curve of becoming better at smoothing the way, and making small changes) 

~ I feel you might snap at any moment, give way, part ways... You rumble as we go along, and oh how you shudder when action is required of you. It seems I can not ignore your protests any longer, but that I must fix you... or else you will surely leave me abandoned with your unyielding ways as you give up and part ways. ~
(my broken wheel, with a big 4 inch crack in it; and reference to yet again, him needing to make changes, big changes, and how he protests at making those changes with his own will, instead of requiring mine to be the driving force)  

~ Yes, I push your button all the time, just because you are the first in line; yet I cringe each time you rush up and volunteer to assist me to bring me to where I need to go. I quickly push their buttons and hope one volunteers; as they are much faster at doing what you do. You are slow and quite often smell. ~
(of the back of the house elevators at work; and ok a little reference to eager puppy dog ways, to be of help no matter what, even it means getting in the way.)

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